If you already have a blog that you want to monetize, this article may not apply to you. If you're trying to come up with a blog topic that will earn you LOTS of adsense revenue, you've come to the right place!
The whole adsense money making system lies with 3 simple factors. Getting traffic to your blog, using the highest paying Google AdSense keywords in your blog posts, and of course having visitors click on your ads.
Your blog niche plays a large role in the amount of income your blog can possibly generate for you when it comes to making money online with Google AdSense.
How Do High Paying Keywords Let Us Make More Money?
This part is actually very simple. If you talk about bigger players, you will be the highlight of the market soon. The same thing happens in Google AdSense. Say on your blog, you promote a 70CC motor bike and you tend to make 1 sale. On your friends blog, he promotes a Rolls Royce and also makes 1 sale. So who wins out?The same is the case with Google AdSense keywords, except in this case the 70CC motor bike, and Rolls Royce cost your 'customers' the same amount, a single click. If your blog covers a niche that allows you to use the keywords mentioned in this Make Money article, you will certainly make a huge amount of money with your AdSense account in the near future. If not the only bottle neck that you may run into is your traffic, and thats all.
Adwords Advertisers are paying Google for their PPC marketing campaigns in the background, and the more they are willing to pay for keywords, the higher your chances to make more money when somebody clicks out those ads on your blog.
Keywords that are related to 'Lawyers/attorneys' have always been popular when it comes to making money with Google AdSense. The attraction to this niche lies in the fact that they tend to get both halves of the equation right.
Niches like this have a CTR (Click through rate) that is above average, and also gets more money per click. This results in huge adsense payouts for the bloggers.
So let's take a look at the below keywords for the year 2012 and find out what you should be blogging about. BUT do read out the last section of this post. If you try too hard to apply this list to an existing blog, it could ruin it! Be very careful. The keywords listed below are shown with their Cost Per Click (CPC) rates, that is each time your AdSense ads gets clicked, you get the cash straight away in your AdSense account. Keep in mind these keywords are super high-paying because the advertisers are generally earning more money than the advertising is costing them..
There are people that take YEARS to get to their first AdSense checks for 100$, but with the following keywords, Boom! You're getting paid within in few days!
Insurance $54.91
Treatment $37.18
Loans $44.28
Attorney $47.07
Mortgage $47.12
Hosting $31.91
Rehab $33.59
Classes $35.04
Transfer $29.86
Recovery $42.03
Software $35.29
Claim $45.51
Trading $33.19
Lawyer $42.51
Donate $42.02
Credit $36.06
Conference Call $42.05
Degree $40.61
Gas/Electricity $54.62
Cord Blood $27.80
What Not To Do?
So its pretty often that newbies tend to get to such Google AdSense High paying keywords list and start using them straight away in their current blogs without realizing the impact they could have on their blog in terms of traffic drop.
Say your blog is about toothbrushes that pays your pennies per click. Next day you start using Insurance some how in your blog posts! Who knows, maybe you start talking about how dental insurance relates to tooth brushing. Weird huh?
So using inappropriate keywords that don't suit your blogs posts and don't come naturally would be a true disaster. I hope these Google AdSense highest paying keywords will help you out in boosting your AdSense revenue if your blog lies in a niche that fits upon this list, or you make a new blog that focuses on one of these niches.
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